Leone Martin

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The Daily Faithfulness Manifesto

Daily Faithfulness is a monthly newsletter designed to equip and encourage you to live a faithful life because I believe a faithful life is a fruitful life. I have created the Daily Faithfulness Manifesto as a way of sharing the ethos of the newsletter and community. Below you will find a video and text version of the manifesto. It is a work in progress so I would love to know your feedback, share it in the comments. If you have not already signed up for the newsletter sign up using the form at the bottom of the page.

Stay faithful,


The Daily Faithfulness Manifesto 

1. I won’t despise small beginnings because small doesn’t mean insignificant. 

2. My job is not to be successful. My job is to be faithful. God will determine my success, I plant the seeds, but God determines the increase. 

3. Big visions are achieved in small steps. I commit to doing the next right thing, knowing daily progress adds up. 

4. I can’t make a return on an investment I didn’t make, so I won’t allow fear to stop me from investing what God has given me for His glory. 

5. I will remain in Jesus. Apart from Him I can do nothing.

6. God’s mercies are new every morning. Failing yesterday doesn’t mean I can’t win today. 

7. God doesn’t test my faith to break me but build me. With everything test and trial, I am getting stronger. 

8. While I’m waiting, I’ll keep working.

9. God can do a lot with a little. I’ll give Him all I’ve got and watch Him multiply it. 

10. We never graduate from being disciples (students) of Christ. So I will show up for practice daily, knowing I don’t have to be perfect to make progress. 

11. I can feel afraid and still act in faith. I choose courage and strength because God is with me. 

12. Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve, I strive to be a servant leader like Jesus. I will serve the purpose of God in my generation.